Paket & Harga OneHCM
Transform orang Anda menjadi lebih baik, mentransform perusahaan Anda menjadi pemimpin bisnis
Lakukan perubahan dan ubah pengalaman kerja karyawan di perusahaan Anda.
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OneHCM |Transformasi digital untuk SDM Anda hari ini
Basic version
Get the HR Software with the highest capability, security, and compliance for your organization.
Workforce Management
Employee Benefit
Payroll Time Management
Organization Management
Employee Self Service
Talent & Training Management
Performance Management
Man Power Planning
Business version
Get the best HR software with recruiting capabilities, talent & performance, and advanced security for your company.
Workforce Management
Employee Benefit
Payroll Time Management
Organization Management
Employee Self Service
Talent & Training Management
Performance Management
Man Power Planning
Enterprise version
Empowering workforce potential with more comprehensive capabilities for all divisions, business units and multi-company
Workforce Management
Employee Benefit
Payroll Time Management
Organization Management
Employee Self Service
Talent & Training Management
Performance Management
Man Power Planning
kankei | Employee Selft-service